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Seydel Mundharmonikas

The harmonica is undoubtedly one of the most handy and versatile instruments of all.

In almost every musical style, it is applicable, you can always have it with you and it has already made for so many for the entry into the world of music. Many find an intuitive way to start playing.

Sophisticated playing techniques are best learned through instruction, but also with the help of textbooks.


You can find much more information in the Harmonica Dictionary.


Our inventory includes


Richter Harmonicas (Blues Harp),

Chromatic harmonicas,

Viennese moods (tremolo and octave harmonicas)

Harmonicas for children

Special tunings (such as low tuning, minor tuning, etc.)


We carry instruments from HOHNER, SEYDEL, SUZUKI, HERING and LEE OSKAR.

Of course, there are also the corresponding accessories.


Seydel Blues Harp
Seydel Chromatic
Seydel 1847
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